Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Snow Days, Goodbyes, & Crafternoons

With a lovely warm front colliding with a cold front and a low pressure system we had quite the amount of snow here in the KS/MO area.  MCI was shut down, I had a total of 4 snow days, and plenty of time to myself.  We had two pretty big snow storms hit about 3 days apart - and with the two storms had over 2 feet of snow in our little college town!

First snow storm... aaaand here's the prog charts for the second snow storm:
and naturally, the zombie apocalypse like preparation.  No bread at walmart!

My roomie and I ventured out the first night!!

and woke up to this...

While the snow was fun, I really enjoyed the days off because I got to study, clean, re-organize my closet, and most of all - CRAFT.  I painted a lot of canvases for friends, and decorated my iPhone charger, which is something I wanted to do for a long time.  I'll post pics soon - I don't have much time now because I'm packing for a conference :)

After the snow FINALLY cleared (although we still have small patches of snow remaining here and there 2 weeks later) I got to say good bye to a good friend, and sorority sister - she's not my real sorority mom, but after my sorority mom transferred, Abbie was more of a sorority mom than anyone else.  She's really sweet, awesome, and a great sister.  She also blogs too so you should check her out! Oh, and she has a little daughter - so a little Alpha Gamma Delta Legacy!!  Four squirrels in this photo :)

It's crazy how small of a world it is - Abbie's husband will be working in Guam so her family is moving to the island that I call "one of my homes".  How crazy is that?  We met at our university, became sorority sisters, got close within the sorority, and now... she's moving to the other side of the world to a place that I call home and a place that I frequently vacation at.  Life takes weird twists, turns, and this is just another example of that.

For an island girl, it was a busy few weeks- snow, and seeing off a friend to my home island... now that I see Abbie's island photos I'm super jealous.  Is it spring yet?  I can't wait to visit her on the island when I go home next time.  I don't know when that would be... but I hope it's soon!

Like I said before, even after almost 2 weeks from the first snow fall, there's still a lot of snow on the ground from above... come on Spring!!

I'm actually lucky because I get to semi escape this cold weather tomorrow - I'm heading down to NASHVILLE for the Annual Women in Aviation International Conference!! I'm SO excited to head down there... not only will it be a good time and I can pack my cowgirl boots, but I always enjoy this conference because there are so many inspiring women that attend this conference.  Being a minority in this industry is really tough but through this annual conference, I find motivation, inspiration, friends, mentors, and more.  I first went to this conference by myself - my sophomore year of college... no one else from my University wanted to go, and I was going to get funded so I said "Why not?"  I'm not the shy person, and I ended up meeting many people by going up and saying "hey, I'm a first time attendee... what should I do/where should I go?"  The aviation industry is FULL of VERY friendly people... it's amazing.

It's super late here now and I shouldn't type long because I haven't packed yet so I'm singing off, but if you're heading down to WAI... I look forward to seeing you!

Don't forget to pack your cowgirlboots!